Why I Turned Vegan

Have you ever just got sick of a type of food. Once you realized how it  was made or where it came from you just got turned off? That's what happened to me. Before I turned vegan I would stop eating meat for days at a time, I just wanted to try it out to see if I would notice something different about my body. It would never last for more than one week. However I would notice that my energy would increase, I felt lighter and I was just a overall happier person.
However I was completely turned off eating meat in the summer of 2016. I was at a restaurant eating a big, meaty, 1 1/2 lb chicken breast and it was uncooked in the middle. After that day I was done with meat all together. I couldn’t believe how nasty something could be uncooked. Then I realized that this is because the big a** chicken I was eating was a animal, a living animal. It shouldn’t taste good because it was once a living creature.

Throughout my life I never wanted to believe that the food I was eating was killed for my consumption. When I was younger my mother distinguished that there were two different types of meat…The Supermarket“chicken” and the farm “chicken” and we only ate the supermarket one. Many people are the same way about the food they eat. They are blindsided because they want to believe that the food that is on their plate didn’t have a life or death. It took me 22 years to realize that and I didn’t want to have any thing to do with the suffering of animals.

Turning vegan wasn’t simple at all, It’s a adjustment, and all adjustments takes time.  I was a chicken wig lover, fried chicken, sticky wings, BBQ wings, buffalo, any type of chicken wings it didn’t even matter. Me and my boyfriend would have wing dates with wine and beer every Sunday night… It was a hard habit to stop. What made it even worse was that because of the way I stopped I didn’t know what type of food to cook. It got so boring eating just rice and beans (which is what I ate all day) or salads, I turned to junk food. I would eat french fries, candy, basically anything that didn’t contain any meat. I noticed that I was getting tired all the time, I would have break outs, and other problems that I knew wasn’t me at all. 

After researching I found that I could be protein or B12 deficient. Which then led me take supplements and protein drinks and I also looked up recipes that were healthy and meatless. I never knew how many recipes there were for vegans and most of them are very healthy. I even found a substitute for the wings that me and my boyfriend loved… Fried cauliflower! Sooo good. 

Now two years being a vegan I can’t imagine picking up animal flesh or even a product produced by an animal against their will. Even though I do still have temptations from chicken wings I always remember that this animal didn’t want to give their life for the few minutes of satisfaction. Also I think about how many little chickens were killed for me to have this plate. Yeah… if you have 10 wings five chickens would have to be slaughtered for your one plate!
