Basically Breyana: Things to bring to the hospital
So my labor and delivery experience was definitely not as expected. I set a date to deliver not knowing that I was actually going to go into labor and I labored for 3 days. Ending up in a c section worst experience ever for a first time mom. During my 6 day stay at the hospital I had nothing that I really needed because I thought I'd be out way before the time I was out (thanks to neglectful doctors). However it definitely thought me a lot to teach new, and expecting mothers.
From the first doctors appointment my mother told me I would never need to worry about having a c section because no one in my family had c sections. Baby K had his umbilical cord where every time I had a contraction his heart rate would drop! Which ultimately ended in my surgery. So don't expect a normal delivery. As much as you "know" your going to have a normal delivery, you have no control over your labor and delivery and everyone's is different. Expect the worse and pray for the best. That was what I wish I would I would have done. My c section recovery was horrible. I could barley walk or even take care of my baby. Which was the most important thing! It was extremely hard to think about everything that was going on which made me very overwhelmed since day one.
Pack wisely
There was some things that I wish I brought that I didn't and some things I don't know why I brought it. During my stay my hospital didn't supply pumps (I should have asked before I went). Newborns loose weight, it's normal. However baby K was loosing a lot of weight. I had to start pumping to make sure I knew how much he was drinking. It's also good because your nipples hurt sooooooooo much after the second day of breastfeeding!!!! The pump is less harsh on the boobs and it can be a good break from the unsettling, unexpected(if your a new mother) pain of beginning to breastfeed.
Breast pump I used:
I like this breastpump because it’s quiet and you can use it while you’re in the car. I got this through my insurance for free!!
Another thing i wish I brought is breast pads!!!! Listen ladies. I didn't know that every few mins my boobs would be leaking, and I mean Leaking milk!!!! I mean I very 5 mins when I would hear the baby cry, when I started stressing, just the whole time I would leak. All on my shirts. I had no clean clothes to wear after about a day. My boyfriend had to bring his shirts for me to wear. It was horrible. For all your first time mothers who are blessed enough to have breast milk please please don't forget this. This is the most important thing to bring!!! I bought random washable ones from amazon when I got home. However it became annoying washing 10 breastpads a day so I went and bought some disposable ones from Walgreens(Lansinoh stay dry) which are amazing. They literally stay dry until they are full.
I really wish I knew about these at the hospital.
Link for washable breastpads:
Link for Lansinoh stay dry nursing pads:
I really wish I knew about these at the hospital.
Link for washable breastpads:
Link for Lansinoh stay dry nursing pads:
Big loose clothing! Because I had a c section and all the clothing I brought was more form fitting I really had nothing prepared to wear for a while at my stay. It was really bad wearing those ugly hospital gowns (with milk leaking down them). I was a hot mess.
Bring smell good anything! Soap, shampoo, and also smell goods for the room! Your probably going to have guests so you may want your room to be welcoming. Not like you just gave birth in it. Also for yourself, your supporter, and your precious baby. The mistake I made was I brought my lotion and no soap or deodorant. I had to use the hospital brand soap. Things that smell good are just so relaxing and so much more welcoming. Being in a room for a few days after giving birth can have a smelly effect.
Those are the things that I wish I brought to the hospital after giving birth. If I were to go back and do it all over I would have. My stay was horrible if I had these things it would have been more pleasant. Hopefully this helps a unsure new expecting mother have a better experience than I. :). Have a safe, fun, and blessed delivery
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