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Basically Breyana: Things to bring to the hospital

So my labor and delivery experience was definitely not as expected. I set a date to deliver not knowing that I was actually going to go into labor and I labored for 3 days. Ending up in a c section worst experience ever for a first time mom. During my 6 day stay at the hospital I had nothing that I really needed because I thought I'd be out way before the time I was out (thanks to neglectful doctors). However it definitely thought me a lot to teach new, and expecting mothers. From the first doctors appointment my mother told me I would never need to worry about having a c section because no one in my family had c sections. Baby K had his umbilical cord where every time I had a contraction his heart rate would drop! Which ultimately ended in my surgery. So don't expect a normal delivery. As much as you "know" your going to have a normal delivery, you have no control over your labor and delivery and everyone's is different. Expect the worse and pray for the best....

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